Please Do Not Feed the Animals
To: All Big Six Shareholders
From: Big Six Management
Date: October 13, 2023
Re: Feeding of Animals and Wildlife (Pigeons, Squirrels, cats, squirrels)
Please do not feed any animals and/or wildlife in and around the Big Six Property. You are attracting critters, rodents and other vermin into the building. By feeding them, you are inviting rats and roaches into the building and are creating an unsanitary and unsafe habitat for our all residents.
Please be courteous of your neighbors and your building’s safety. Do not feed the pigeons, squirrels or any other animals that attract attention to our lobbies.
Any shareholder found in violation of this, will be billed back the additional exterminating treatment that the building must undergo. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Management at (718) 898-7022.
Thank you.