Big Six Towers

Hello Shareholders! – 2022 Board of Directors – Elections!!!!

The Big Six Towers election candidates have their biographies and introductory video clips at the following link:

We encourage all residents to view the material and cast their vote accordingly. Those residents without a computer or internet access may schedule a private showing by calling the management office for an appointment.

Thank you for your participation in the Big Six Towers election process.

October 3, 2022

Annual Shareholders Meeting

Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

 Please use this as a reminder that the 2022 Annual Meeting of Big Six Towers, Inc. will be held on Thursday, November 3rd, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. by video link and telephone conference call.

You can participate in the Annual Meeting of Shareholders by either logging into the Zoom video link or by accessing the audio for the meeting by using the conference call number listed below:

Zoom link:

Dial by your location:  +19292056099 US (New York)

Meeting ID:     841 4102 4309

Please also note that this year’s Annual Meeting will not be interactive in the way it has been in past years. Our presenters will be given an opportunity to speak uninterrupted throughout the duration of the meeting. We will allow for shareholder interaction by opening the meeting to questions in the last segment of the meeting. Questions can be typed into the Q&A section of the Zoom platform by those shareholders who are logged into the Zoom meeting by video link. For those shareholders joining by conference call number, we ask that you submit questions in advance, either by hand delivery to the Management Office or by email to We also ask that questions be limited to one per shareholder that will be accepted through one method of delivery.

Please be advised that the Candidate Recordings have been uploaded to the Big Six Website*. We encourage all residents to view the material and cast their vote accordingly. Those residents without computer or internet access may schedule a private showing by calling the Management Office for an appointment.

*Please note that the bios previously distributed included candidate William Kregler. However, since the distribution, Mr. Kregler withdrew his candidacy.

Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Big Six Towers 2022 – FINAL (1)